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OSRAM - AirZing Pro 5030 UV-C desinfektionslampe - 253,7nm, 30W

Produktnr.: H56675  |  Producentvarekode: 143507

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The Airzing™ Pro is a fixture developed by the renowned European specialist OSRAM. The UV-C lamp from the Osram HNS series is made in Europe and produces a short wave radiation (253,7 nanometer) which can be used for disinfecting water, destroying harmful micro-organisms in other liquids, on surfaces, on food products and in the air. Specially designed to disinfect and decontaminate surfaces and spaces. Scope of application, hospitals and other medical institutions with aseptic zones, food and pharmaceutical industry, offices and public places.

The special housing and parts of this fixture are UV-resistant. The fixture comes with a safety sensor in order to switch of the UV-light when people or animals enter the room. It is also provided with a 30 second immobilizer system so that one can safely leave the room once the system has been activated.

CAUTION: UV-C radiation is harmful and can cause serious damage to skin and eyes in case of direct exposure. Comes with a 3 year guarantee and is ozon-free.


  • UV-C (253.7nm) penetrates the cell wall of the microorganisms
  • The high energy photons of the UV-C are absorbed by the cell proteins and DNA/RNA
  • UV-C damages the protein structure causing metabolic disruption
  • DNA/RNA is chemically altered so organisms can no longer replicate
  • Because microorganisms are now unable to metabolize or replicate, the UV-C light has effectively and safely sanitized the UV-C workspace area
  • A 5-second break is required before switching on again right after switching off, due to 3 to 5-second systematic resetting
  • Once the product is switched off by IR sensor, it will not switch on automatically, it needs to be turned on manually


  • Brand: OSRAM
  • Productseries: AirZing UV-C
  • Product type: Pro
  • Lamp type: Fluorescent lamp D=26/38 mm
  • With light source: Yes
  • Suitable for number of lamps: 1
  • Lamp holder: G13
  • Material: Plastic
  • Colour housing: White
  • Nominal voltage: 220-240Vac
  • Type of control gear: Electronic ballast (included
  • Dimmable: No
  • Rated life time L70/B50 at 25 °C: 9000h
  • IP-rating


    IP rating er en international standard (IEC 60529) for klassificering af elektroniske produkters grad af beskyttelse mod skadelig indtrængning af faste partikler (f.eks. støv) og væsker.

    Koden består af to bogstaver (IP) - en forkortelse for "Ingress Protection" - efterfulgt af to cifre. Det første ciffer angiver graden af beskyttelse imod faste partikler og det andet ciffer angiver graden af vandtæthed, jævnfør nedenstående standardtabel.

    Første ciffer - Beskyttelse imod partikler Andet ciffer - Beskyttelse imod væsker
    0 Ingen beskyttelse 0 Ingen beskyttelse
    1 Beskyttet mod partikler større end 50mm (f.eks.håndberøring) 1 Beskyttet mod lodret faldende vanddråber (dryppende vand)
    2 Beskyttet mod partikler over 12mm (f.eks. en fingerberøring) 2 Beskyttet mod vandindtrængning fra direkte vanddråber op til 15o fra lodret (let og stille regn)
    3 Beskyttet mod partikler over 2,5mm (f.eks. større værktøj og kabler) 3 Beskyttet mod direkte vandstråler op til 60o fra lodret (moderat regn og sprøjt).
    4 Beskyttet mod partikler over 1mm (mindre værktøj og ledninger) 4 Beskyttet mod vandindtrængning ved vandstråler fra alle retninger (normalt regntæt)
    5 Beskyttet mod begrænset indtrængning af støv 5 Beskyttet mod vandindtrængning ved lavtryks-spuling fra alle retninger (helt regntæt)
    6 Totalt beskyttet mod indtrængning af støv 6 Beskyttet mod vandindtrængning ved højttryks-spuling og kraftige bølgesprøjt
        7 Beskyttet mod vandindtrængning, nedsænket i vand ned til 1m dybde, ved test i 30 minuter (vandtæt)
        8 Beskyttet mod vandindtrængning, nedsænket i dybt vand i længere tid (maks. dybde skal angives af producenten).

    Denne standard tilstræber at give købere og brugere en mere detaljeret og entydig information end alm. marketingtermer som f.eks. "weatherproof" og "waterproof".

    : IP20
  • Protection class: I
  • Filament test according to IEC 60695-2-11: 550 °C - 30 s
  • With switch: No
  • With movement sensor: Yes
  • Suitable for lamp power: 30W
  • Max. system power: 34W
  • Colour of light: UV-C
  • Power factor: 0.9
  • Width: 54mm
  • Height/depth: 78mm
  • Length: 1058mm
  • Type of wiring: Suitable for through wiring
  • Number of poles: 3
  • Conductor cross section: 2.5mm²


>= 1
>= 2
>= 4
