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Modern houses and buildings are characterized by a very high ventilation density. At the same time, modern stoves are far more energy efficient, i.e. that they make much better use of the heat in combustion. However, this can present certain challenges, as the density of the building and the lower smoke temperature in the chimney limit the possibility of establishing an effective smoke exhaust. Therefore, many people find that wood-burning stove smoke escapes into the living room instead of rising up the chimney. The solution for effective diversion of "cold" smoke, which will not rise into the air, can be a chimney cap, which ensures draft. We offer several variants, for both "cold" and "hot" chimneys.

Name Product no.
3 pcs. in stock. Delivery 1 weekday.
2 pcs. in stock. Delivery 1 weekday.
1 pcs. in stock. Delivery 1 weekday.
2 pcs. in stock. Delivery 1 weekday.
3 pcs. in stock. Delivery 1 weekday.
3 pcs. in stock. Delivery 1 weekday.
3 pcs. in stock. Delivery 1 weekday.
4 pcs. in stock. Delivery 1 weekday.
1 pcs. in stock. Delivery 1 weekday.
2 pcs. in stock. Delivery 1 weekday.
Not in stock. Delivery in 13-14 days.

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