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Lyd sensormodul til Arduino

Produktnr.: H12693

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Centrallager, Struer:
På fjärrlagring. Leverans 42-43 dagar.

Sampakgebyr: Kr. 20,- ekskl. moms.
Forsendelse (GLS erhverv): Kr. 48,- ekskl. moms.
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Kan bruges til akustisk lysstyring, lydaktiveret alarm, elektronisk øre/støjsensor, og meget mere. Perfekt tilbehør til dine Arduino projekter! Når der er lyd, da konverterer den lyden til et lav-niveau spændings-output og en LED signal indikator lyser op.


  • Tærskel-lydniveau kan indstilles, når lydens intensitet er højere end tærsklen, så levere OUT output-hign-niveau
  • OUT kan tilsluttes direkte til mikrocontrolleren (single chip microcomputer) for detektering af høj og lav niveau
  • OUT kan drive et relæmodul, så du for en lydaktiveret switch

Tekniske detaljer:

  • Chip: LM393
  • Mikrofon: Elektret kondensator mik.
  • Forsyningsspænding (VCC): 3-5Vdc
  • Output form (OUT): Digital switch output (1 s og 0 s + v)
  • Signal output indikation
  • Single channel signal output
  • Low level (spændings) output
  • Størelse: 32 x 17 x 8mm
b>Bemærk: Dette er et "maker"-modul, som leveres uden yderligere instruktioner end dem som du finder her.

Can be used for acoustic light control, sound-activated alarm, electronic ear/noise sensor, and much more. Perfect accessory for your Arduino projects! When there is sound, it converts the sound to a low-level voltage output and an LED signal indicator lights up.


  • Sound module sound intensity is the most sensitive to the environment, commonly used to detect the intensity of the sound of the surroundings
  • Treshold sound level can be set, when the intensity of the sound from the outside environment is higher than the threshold, then module OUT output hign level
  • OUT can be attached directly to the microcontroller (single chip microcomputer) to detect the high and low level, thus to detect sound environment
  • OUT can directly drive a relay module, which can form a voice-activated switch


  • Chip: LM393
  • Microphone: Condenser mic.
  • Working voltage (VCC): 3-5Vdc
  • Output form (OUT): Digital switch output (1 s and 0 s + v)
  • Signal output indication
  • Single channel signal output
  • Low level (voltage) output
  • Dimensions: 32 x 17 x 8mm
Note: This is a "maker" module for developers. It is delivered without any further instructions than what you find here.

Volym rabatterade priser

>= 1
>= 6
>= 12



Föreslagna alternativ:

4 st i lager. Leverans 1 veckodag,