A magentic field will be measured by the sensor based on an 49E hall sensor, and displayed as an analog voltage rating aswell as digital signal when a certain threshold is reached. The sensitivity of the sensor can be regulated with a potentiometer. With individualized codes, the sensor will able to be used on other devices. This module can either be solidly soldered or be used on a breadboard. In addition, an LED on the module lights up when the threshold value is reached.
You'll find further information and sample-code here.
- Model: Linear magnetic hall sensor
- Function: The magnetic field is measured by the sensor and transmitted as an analog voltage value whereby the sensitivity of the sensor can be controlled via potentiometer
- Chipset: LM393 & 49E
- Digital output: If a magnetic field is detected, a signal is given here
- Analog output: Direct measured value of the sensor unit
- Operating voltage: 3V - 5 V
- Logic level: 3.3 V / 5V
- Compatible with: Arduino, Raspberry Pi (mwth ADC), etc.
- Special features: Analog and digital signal output, potentiometer to adjust the digital output
- Dimensions: 45 x 15 x 14mm