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Velleman IO - Bluetooth modul til Arduino® - HC05

Produktnr.: H50452  |  Producentvarekode: VMA302

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5 stk. på lager. Levering 1 hverdag.

Sampakgebyr: Kr. 20,- ekskl. moms.
Forsendelse (GLS erhverv): Kr. 48,- ekskl. moms.
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This module allows you to integrate a microcontroller into a Bluetooth network.


  • Frekvens: 2.45 GHz
  • Asynchronous speed: max. 2.1 Mbps
  • Security: authentication
  • Profile: Bluetooth Serial Port
  • Power supply: +3.3 VDC
  • Working temperature: max. 60°C

Mængderabat priser

>= 1
>= 2
>= 4

