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Chemtronics - Tinsugetråd - 1,9mm x 30M

Produktnr.: H39755  |  Producentvarekode: CHEM-WIK LA

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Central warehouse, Struer:
6 pcs. in stock. Delivery 1 weekday.

Sampakgebyr: Kr. 20,- ekskl. moms.
Forsendelse (GLS erhverv): Kr. 48,- ekskl. moms.
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CHEM-WIK is an advanced ultra-thin desoldering wick that responds even faster than any other desoldering wick. It`s lighter gauge, pure copper braidconstruction allows better thermal conductivity, even at low temperatures. With CHEM-WIK, overheating of critical heat sensitive components and circuits is minimized because it requires less heat for a shorter period of time. CHEM-WIK also requires less " contact " pressure for greater operator comfort.

Tekniske detaljer:

  • Producent (varemærke): Chem-Wik
  • Bredde: 1,90mm
  • Længde: 30 m
  • Materiale: Kobber


>= 1
>= 2
>= 4
