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Velleman - Lakisoleret kobbertråd - Ø0,6mm x 39m (2,4ohm)

Produktnr.: H17585  |  Producentvarekode: WIK06N

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Central warehouse, Struer:
In transit to warehouse. Delivery 3-4 days.

Sampakgebyr: Kr. 20,- ekskl. moms.
Forsendelse (GLS erhverv): Kr. 48,- ekskl. moms.
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This varnished copper wire is used to wind coils or transformers og is supplied on plastic bobbins. Winding wire is available in a thickness varying from 0.1 til 1,5mm. The length of the wire depends on its thickness.

Tekniske detaljer:

  • Diameter: 0.6mm
  • Længde: 39 m
  • Spolestørrelse (mm):
    • A: 44
    • B: 32
  • Vægt: 100 g
  • Modstand / Spole: 2.4 Ohm
Også kendt som: Spoletråd, Coil wire, Enamelled solderable soft copper wire.


>= 1
>= 3
>= 6
